This LEGO® Jeep Rubicon Is Amazing

Don't Miss These Building Tips from Chiho Kim

While scrolling through LEGO® Ideas, I discovered the Jeep Rubicon and was amazed by the sleek design and photography skills. I decided to ask its creator, Chiho Kim, a few questions.

– You can vote to make the Jeep Rubicon an official LEGO set here. –

1. It’s hard to make Technic pieces look beautiful, but they look so good on your Rubicon. How can a builder achieve a good balance when using traditional and Technic LEGO® together?


Will You Regret Giving Up?

The Man Who Almost Patented the Sewing Machine

Elias Howe invented the sewing machine – but not first. Before Howe patented his world-changing invention, a Frenchman created a sewing machine of his own.

– French tailors tried to stop progress with a riot. –

Concerned about their jobs, French tailors rioted in the streets destroying all of the inventor’s beautiful machines. He had a machine that could change the world, but would he follow through?


The Successful Life of Failure

Lessons from a Crash Dummy

You have probably heard about Thomas Edison’s thousands of failed experiments. But have you ever considered what it might be like to be the failed experiment?

– The crash dummies learn when they crash and burn. –

Samuel Alderson invented the ultimate failure that keeps on saving our lives year after year: the crash dummy.

Click here to see other articles from 2016!


What Henry Ford Didn’t Teach Us About Productivity

Read This Before You Take on Another Mindless Project

Henry Ford revolutionized the Industrial Age with his invention of the movable assembly line – all of the sudden work came to the workers and cars were built fast.

– Henry Ford’s assembly line made automobiles affordable for the average person. –

Rather than each worker building a car, each person in line would complete one role like attaching a wheel or checking some bolts. Contrary to popular opinion, studies are now showing that individuals are less productive when tackling projects assembly line style.


Congratulations to Our Winner!

Winner Donates Snow Globe to Charity

Iestyn Pocock was the lucky winner of the LEGO® Snow Globe, but he wants to donate the prize to charity. Some of you may recognize Iestyn as the creator of Andy’s Room for LEGO® Ideas.

– You can vote for Andy’s Room if you want this to be a LEGO® set! –

Some little boy like Andy will be excited to get a LEGO® Snow Globe this Christmas. Check out Iestyn’s project and give him your vote if you like it!

Now check out today’s build: a LEGO assembly line. Learn how boring efficiency can cost you time!


Clif Bar’s Little-Told Climb to the Top

Gary Erickson Scales the North Face of Business

Mom’s calzones were so delicious. Gary wondered if they could sell them. Ever since high school he had wanted to run his own business – could he do it?

– Not many know that “Clif” Bar was named after Gary’s dad, Clif. –

One day in 1990, Gary Erickson and buddy Jay embarked on a 175-mile bike ride. As always, they packed 6 energy bars each. But Gary just couldn’t stomach them this time.


Win a LEGO Snow Globe!

Subscribe and Share for a Chance to Win

The Brick Idea is announcing a contest where the winner will receive a hard-to-find LEGO snow globe! Just sign up for The Brick Idea Newsletter and you will be entered.

All except for friends and family (sorry!) are eligible.

Subscribe to for a Chance to Win!

You’ll also get a FREE printable LEGO wall art with an eBook titled, 5 Ways to Build Your Imagination. Current subscribers will also be entered. Winner chosen next Monday.

It’s Christmas time, so don’t forget to “share” this offer! Thanks for joining us!


The Untold Story of LEGO®-Themed Furniture

Don't Miss This Video Filmed in LEGO®!

Have you ever been told you should patent one of your ideas? With spray paint and a few coasters ordered through eBay, Martin decked out the doors of his IKEA cupboards like LEGO bricks. Friends and family loved it.

Instead of patenting his idea, Martin is taking his product straight to the consumer.


Learn 4 Skills to Keep Your Brain Alive

How a Playful Mindset Led to the First Powered Flight

Your children are begging you to play with them. Playing is not your first preference…you would rather mow the yard, clean the gutters, make dinner, take out the garbage. Admit it, you’d rather clean the toilets. As long as you don’t have to play!
- Young Wilbur and Orville never forgot the day that their father brought a helicopter toy home. -

– Young Wilbur and Orville never forgot the day that their father brought a helicopter toy home. –

Learn why adults are so intimidated by play and how avoiding play allows our brains to… well, shrivel up… peacefully.
