Your Child Can Easily Learn Robotics

Program Teaches 400,000 Kids Robotics Each Year

Your children are probably learning reading, writing and arithmetic, but do they love school? Stellar Robotics in Shelby, Ohio, hosts one of hundreds of FIRST® robotics teams and LEGO® leagues. We know robots will be a big part of our childrens’ future, but will they be prepared to use them?

Check Out FIRST’s Robotics Theme for January, 2017!

Stellar Robotics in Shelby, Ohio serves kindergarten children through high school seniors with age appropriate tracks for each level. They reach out to children from public, private, virtual and home schools. To learn more about what Stellar Robotics is currently doing, visit my Facebook page.

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What’s “The Brick Idea”?

The World's Biggest Ideas Built in Plastic

Invention fascinates us. Imagine Edison’s excitement when the very first light bulb lit up his dim laboratory. Picture Wilbur Wright standing on the beach at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, as he watched his brother experience humanity’s first powered flight.

- Edison in his Menlo Park lab. -

– Edison in his Menlo Park lab. –

Feel the frustration that drove Josephine Cochrane to craft the first dishwasher – and the thrill that it’s first users must have enjoyed!

They were Creatives. But they are not alone. . . (more…)

Welcome to the Family

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- If you leave without subscribing, you're family will hate you. -

– If you leave without subscribing, your family will hate you. –


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Hi There, Early Bird!

Congratulations! You are one of the first visitors to my brand new site! Don’t miss out on these ground-breaking posts on creativity…subscribe to my newsletter to be notified when I have posted new content. You can expect one new article each week.

- Never see life the same boring way again. -

– Never see life the same boring way again. –


Yes, you’ll get a FREE eBook that will ignite your imagination when you…


You’re a Leader in Your Field

Congratulations! You are one of the first visitors to my brand new site! Don’t miss out on these ground-breaking posts on personal growth…subscribe to my newsletter to be notified when I have posted new content. You can expect one new article each week.#

- Grow you mind this year. -

– Grow your mind this year. –


Yes, you’ll get a FREE eBook that will ignite your imagination when you…


Feature and Be Featured

Here's the Deal with Guest Posting

Do you have a message about innovation, but no place to share it? I would like to open up my platform to a few guest author/illustrators a year. Articles should be relevant to the sites mission, be family friendly, contain about 500 words, and feature a brick illustration. Spots are limited, so start writing and building, then contact me!

If you would like me to write a guest post for your site, please contact me. I would like to contribute to your site in any way I can.
